15.3. Handling UDP connection requests

The Softnet technique for working with UDP is almost identical to that described in the previous sections for TCP. However, it is necessary to clarify what it means to establish a UDP connection. After all, UDP doesn’t use anything like TCP’s three-way handshake, and a UDP server is able to receive packets from any source with a valid IP address. However, in a dynamic IP environment, the UDP client and server have to establish the Internet path through which UDP packets will traverse. The network maintains state along the path as long as packets continue to traverse.

As with TCP, the service endpoint accepts UDP connection requests on a virtual port. It is not associated with a physical port in any way. First, the service app creates a binding to the port. As with TCP, there are three overloaded methods to create a binding. They differ in the way they define access rules:

  1. The first method does not apply access restrictions. It authorizes any request:
    void udpListen(int virtualPort, int backlog)
  2. The second method creates an access rule for guest clients using the value specified in the third parameter:
    void udpListen(int virtualPort, int backlog, GuestAccess guestAccess)
  3. The third method creates an access rule based on the list of user roles specified in the third parameter:
    void udpListen(int virtualPort, int backlog, String roles)

The first two parameters are identical to those of the tcpListen method. Below is a short description:

  • virtualPort is a virtual port on which the service accepts requests. It is not associated with a physical port which is not used at all. The possible values are not restricted;
  • backlog specifies the maximum number of queued connections that are in the process of being established or have already been established but not yet accepted by the service application. The app accepts estableshed connections by the udpAccept method, which is described below. If the queue is full, clients get the service busy exception. For most applications, 5 will be a reasonable value.

The next method we have to consider is udpAccept. As with TCP, it provides an accept handler to the listener that was earlier bound to the virtual port. If there is an established connection queued in the backlog, the handler is called back immediately. To accept the next connection from the backlog, udpAccept should be called again. If the backlog is empty, the handler remains idle. You can control the consumption of the host resources by calling udpAccept only when the resources are released for clients. The following is the signature of the method:

public void udpAccept(int virtualPort, UDPAcceptHandler acceptHandler)
  • virtualPort is a virtual port to which the UDP listener has been bound earlier;
  • acceptHandler is a handler that implements the UDPAcceptHandler interface. It has the only method accept to be implemented. Its parameters are different from those of the analogous method of the TCP accept handler:
    public interface UDPAcceptHandler {
    public void accept(
        RequestContext context,
        DatagramSocket datagramSocket, 
        InetSocketAddress remoteSocketAddress,
        ConnectionMode mode);

    Let’s consider the method’s parameters:

  • context is of type RequestContext. It is the first parameter of any request handler of the platform. The type is described below;
  • datagramSocket is an instance of java.net.DatagramSocket that represents a socket for sending and receiving datagram packets;
  • remoteSocketAddress is an IP address and port of the remote UDP endpoint;
  • mode provides the mode of the connection – P2P or Proxy.
    The RequestContext class has the following fields:
    public class RequestContext {
    public final ServiceEndpoint serviceEndpoint;
    public final MembershipUser user;
    public final long clientId;	
    public final SequenceDecoder sessionTag;
  • serviceEndpoint – an endpoint that accepted the connection request. You can use it to call udpAccept again;
  • user – a MembershipUser object that contains the name, type, and permissions of the user with which the client is associated;
  • clientId – ID of the client that made the request. It is used in asynchronous communication scenarios where, after an indefinite period of time, an application needs to send a notification back to the client. In Softnet, Private events are used for this job;
  • sessionTag – clients use this parameter to provide information about the session in the context of which the request has been made.

Below is an example of using the UDP methods of the service endpoint. The udpListen method binds to the virtual port 25, sets the backlog to 5, and creates an access rule that denies guest clients. The example implements the UDPAcceptHandler interface and uses it as a second argument to the udpAccept method. Inside the accept method, the method udpAccept is called again:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // the service endpoint creation code is omitted	
    serviceEndpoint.udpListen(25, 5, GuestAccess.GuestDenied);
    serviceEndpoint.udpAccept(25, new MyUDPAcceptHandler());	
    // the rest of the code is omitted
// custom implementation of the UDPAcceptHandler interface
class MyUDPAcceptHandler implements UDPAcceptHandler {
    public void accept(
        RequestContext context,
        DatagramSocket datagramSocket, 
        InetSocketAddress remoteSocketAddress,
        ConnectionMode mode) {
            context.serviceEndpoint.udpAccept(25, new MyUDPAcceptHandler());
                "A UDP connection is established for user '%s'.
                The connection mode is '%s'.",